Professional Hotel Furniture Liquidators
The hospitality industry in New York City is one of the most competitive markets in the country. By the end of 2013, the city saw 54.3 million visitors who spent approximately $38.8 billion. In 2014, New York City had roughly 105,000 hotel room and is projected to have 115,000 rooms in 2016. The city’s average hotel occupancy rate in 2013 was 88.3% and this number is also expected to rise in 2014.
As a hotel owner, it’s no surprise that you need to regularly upgrade your furniture and fixtures to accommodate the sheer number of guests and to reflect current decorating trends. However, this process does not need to be costly. Furniture liquidation is an excellent way to dispose of your older furniture and fixtures. Most commercial-grade furniture and appliances are manufactured to have a long lifespan so you can sell them at a profit. Universal Hotel Liquidators (UHL) has been helping hotel owners do this since 1999. With a fleet of 100 trucks and a team of 75 movers, it’s no surprise that we’ve earned the reputation as one of the top and most efficient furniture liquidators in the Greater New York City area.
Our furniture liquidation process is tailored to your specific requirements. Our team can clear up to 300 hotel rooms in a single night. We work quickly to minimize any interruptions to your guest services. We sell as much furniture as we can on-site. The rest of the inventory goes to our warehouse showroom where we sell it at bargain prices. Unlike a lot of other furniture liquidators, we do our best to clean up after ourselves. We take the utmost precautions to ensure that none of your property is damaged during the process, especially your walls.
We believe in creating long-term relationships with our clients. Besides furniture liquidation, we sell new and used furniture at wholesale prices. By having UHL handle your entire liquidation process, you’ll have a peace of mind that no other company can give you.
Call us today for a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!
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New York City Sees Record High Tourism in 2013
NYC Statistics
Hotel Development in NYC: 2012 to 2016 and Beyond
See the professional quality and process in which Universal Hotel Liquidators brings to every job site.
Hotel Quality Furniture
Hotels Liquidated